Local Environmental Protection Program staff address water related environmental issues. To see who is the LEPP specialist in your county, click on that county.
Allen County
- Sanitarian: Mitchell Garner
- Phone: 620-365-1432
- Email: pwdir@allencounty.org
- 1 North Washington
Iola, KS 66749 - LEP Program Name: Allen County LEPP
Anderson County
- Program Director: Don Lile
- Phone: 785-304-2668
- Email: dllile@yahoo.com
- Office Assistant: Michelle Miller
- Phone: 785-448-3724
- Email: mmiller@andersoncountyks.org
- Address: 823 W. 7th Avenue
Garnett, KS 66032 - LEP Program Name: Anderson County Sanitation
Atchison County
- Administrative Staff: Martha Smith
- Phone: 785-985-2778
- Email: nekes@carsoncomm.com
- Sanitarian: Pat Toby
- Address: PO BOX 609
Troy, KS 66087 - Website: www.nekes.org
- LEP Program Name: Northeast Kansas Environmental Services
Barber County
- Sanitarian: Rick Wesley
- Phone: 620-886-1047
- Email: rwesley@barber.ks.gov
- Address: 117 E. Kansas
- Medicine Lodge, KS 67071
- LEP Program Name: Barber County
Barton County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Judy Goreham
- Phone: 620-796-4300
- Email: jgoreham@bartoncounty.org
- Field Technician: Mark Cooper
- Phone: 620-793-0219
- Email: mcooper@bartoncounty.org
- Address: 1910 18th. St.
Great Bend, KS 67530 - Website: www.bartoncounty.org/vnews/display.v/SEC/Environmental%20Management/Zoning#
- LEP Program Name: Barton County Environmental Management Division
Bourbon County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Herb Hall
- Phone: 620-223-3800, ext. 126
- Email: hhall@bourboncountyks.org
- Address: 210 S. National
Fort Scott, KS 66701 - LEP Program Name: Bourbon County
Brown County
- Administrative Staff: Martha Smith
- Phone: 785-985-2778
- Email: nekes@carsoncomm.com
- Sanitarian: Pat Toby
- Address: PO BOX 609
Troy, KS 66087 - Website: www.nekes.org
- LEP Program Name: Northeast Kansas Environmental Services
Butler County
- Environmental Administrator: Shawn Haring
- Phone: 316-322-4325
- Email: sharing@bucoks.com
- Program Director: David Alfaro
- Email: dalfaro@bucoks.com
- Address: 121 S. Gordy, Suite 202
El Dorado, KS 67042 - LEP Program Name: Butler County Community Development
Chase County
- Sanitarian: Scott Wiltse
- Phone: 620-794-5053
- Email: cscoeas@gmail.com
- Address: 301 Cottonwood
Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845 - LEP Program Name: Chase County
Chautauqua County
- Program Director: Jeanie Beason
- Phone: 620-725-5850
- Email: cqcohd@sbcglobal.net
- Address: 215 N. Chautauqua
Sedan, KS 67361 - LEP Program Name: Chautauqua County
Cherokee County
- Sanitarian: Jared Glover
- Phone: 620-605-1601
- Email: jared.glover@cherokeecounty-ks.gov
- Address: 110 Maple St.
PO Box 143
Columbus, KS 66725 - Website: www.cherokeecountyks.gov
- LEP Program Name: Cherokee County Emergency Management
Cheyenne County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
City of Wichita
- Supervisor: Darren Brown
- Phone: 316-268-8351
- Email: dlbrown@wichita.gov
- Sanitarians: Kathryn Jackson; Jesse Nichols
- Email: kjackson@wichita.gov; knichols@wichita.gov
- Address: 1900 E. 9th St
Wichita, KS 67214 - LEP Program Name: City of Wichita Public Works and Utilities, Environmental Health Department
Clark County
- Sanitarian: Frank White
- Phone: 620-635-6006
- Email: clarkweed@ucom.net
- Address: PO Box 567
Ashland, KS 67831 - LEP Program Name: Clark County Noxious Weed Department
Clay County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Marlene Stamm
- Phone: 785-770-2057
- Email: nckllc@hotmail.com
- Address: 214 C Street
Washington, KS 66968 - LEP Program Name: NCK Environmental LEPP
Cloud County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Marlene Stamm
- Phone: 785-770-2057
- Email: nckllc@hotmail.com
- Address: 214 C Street
Washington, KS 66968 - LEP Program Name: NCK Environmental LEPP
Coffey County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Carl Lee
- Phone: 620-364-8631
- Email: clee@coffeycountyks.org
- Address: 110 S. 6th
Burlington, KS 66839 - LEP Program Name: Coffey County Health Department
Comanche County
Savannah Catlett
- 620-582-2933
- Address: 401 S Philadelphia P.O. Box 685, Coldwater, KS 67029
- LEP Program Name: Comanche County
- Director Name: Brock Loesch
Cowley County
- Program Director: Thomas Langer
- Phone: 620-221-1430
- Email: tdlanger@cowleycounty.org
- Environmental Health Specialist: Tanner Langer
- Address: 320 E. 9th St., Suite B
Winfield, KS 67156 - LEP Program Name: City-Cowley County Health Department
Crawford County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Bill Towery
- Phone: 620-724-7088
- Email: btowery@ckt.net
- Address: 111 E. Forest. Suite M
Girard, KS 66743 - LEP Program Name: Crawford County Environmental Health
Decatur County
- Program Director: Nora Urban
- Phone: 785-475-8102
- Address: 120 E. Hall St.
Oberlin, KS 67749 - LEP Program Name: Decatur County
Dickinson County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Derek Norrick
- Phone: 785-263-4780
- Email: dnorrick@dkcoks.org
- Address: 2362 Jeep Road
Abilene, KS 67410 - LEP Program Name: Dickinson County Environmental Services
Doniphan County
- Administrative Staff: Martha Smith
- Phone: 785-985-2778
- Email: nekes@carsoncomm.com
- Sanitarian: Pat Toby
- Address: PO BOX 609
Troy, KS 66087 - Website: www.nekes.org
- LEP Program Name: Northeast Kansas Environmental Services
Douglas County
- Environmental Health Supervisor: Andrew Stull
- Phone: 785-856-5370
- Email: astull@ldchealth.org
- Sanitarian: Mikala Postlewait
- Phone: 785-856-5340
- Email: mpostlewait@ldchealth.org
- Address: 200 Maine, Suite B
Lawrence, KS 66044 - LEP Program Name: Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department
Edwards County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Robert Mitchell
- Phone: 620-786-1761
- Email: cklepg@gbta.net
- Address: PO Box 669
La Crosse, KS 67548 - LEP Program Name: Central Kansas LEPG
Elk County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Don Sanders
- Phone: 620-374-2580
- Email: publicworks@elkcountyks.org
- Address: PO Box 327
Howard, KS 67349 - LEP Program Name: Elk County
Ellis County
- Sanitarians/Technicians: Mason Ruder, Justin Craig
- Phone: 785-628-9449
- Email: environmental@ellisco.net
- Program Director: Bill Ring
- Phone: 785-628-9455
- Email: bring@ellisco.net
- Address: 718 Main St.
Hays, KS 67601 - Website: www.ellisco.net/166/Environmental-Office.net
- LEP Program Name: Ellis County Environmental Office
Ellsworth County
- Sanitarian: Shawn Esterl
- Phone: 785-309-5813
- Email: esterls@salinecountyks.gov
- Address: 229 N 9th Street, Salina, KS 67401
- Website: www.salinecountyks.gov
- LEP Program Name: Saline County Environmental Services
Finney County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Ray Lopez
- Phone: 620-272-3564
- Email: rlopez@finneycounty.org
- Address: 101 W. Maple
Garden City, KS 67846 - LEP Program Name: Finney County Public Works
Ford County
- Program Director: Melissa Drake
- Phone: 620-371-3202
- Email: mdrake@fordcounty.net
- Address: 100 Gunsmoke
Dodge City, KS 67801 - Website: http://www.fordcounty.net/238/Planning-Zoning-Environmental-Health
- LEP Program Name: Ford County Planning, Zoning, & Env. Health
Franklin County
- Sanitarian: Brian Falk
- Phone: 785-229-3504
- Email: bfalk@franklincoks.org
- Address: 1428 S. Main, Suite 6
Ottawa, KS 66067 - LEP Program Name: Franklin County
Geary County
- Sanitarian: Lance Karmann
- Phone: 785-530-5126
- Email: lance.karmann@gearycounty.org
- Address: 1212 W. Ash
PO Box 282
Junction City, KS 66441 - LEP Program Name: Geary County
Gove County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Graham County
- Program Director: Crystal Washington
- Phone: 785-421-3326
- Email: cbehenna@grahamcountyhealth.com
- Program Technician: Brandon Born
- Phone: 785-421-2834
- Email: brandonborn23@yahoo.com
- Address: 225 N. Pomeroy
Hill City, KS 67642 - LEP Program Name: Graham County LEPP
Grant County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Natalie Anguiano
- Phone: 620-356-4400
- Email: cityweb@pld.com
- Address: 115 W. Grant Ave.
Ulysses, KS 67880 - LEP Program Name: Grant County/City of Ulysses Building Inspection
Gray County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Jennifer Shumard
- Phone: 620-855-3858
- Email: jshumard.grayco@yahoo.com
- Address: PO Box 487
Cimarron, KS 67835-0487 - LEP Program Name: Gray County Appraiser
Greeley County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Greenwood County
- Sanitarian: Allen Greenwood
- Phone: 620-583-8111
- Email: alleng@greenwoodcounty.org
- Address: 510 S. Jefferson
Eureka, KS 67045 - LEP Program Name: Greenwood County
Hamilton County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Steve Phillips
- Phone: 620-384-4222
- Email: hmcoem@pld.com
- Address: 1301 N. Main St.
PO Box 1136
Syracuse, KS 67878 - LEP Program Name: Hamilton County
Harper County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Jackie Keim
- Phone: 620-842-3718
- Email: jkeim@harpercountyks.gov
- Address: 201 N. Jennings Ave.
Anthony, KS 67003 - LEP Program Name: Harper County
Harvey County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Karen Rothe
- Phone: (316) 284-6940
- Email: karenro@harveycounty.com
- Address: 800 Main St.
Newton, KS 67114 - Website: http://www.harveycounty.com
- LEP Program Name: Harvey County
Haskell County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Gary Headrick
- Phone: 620-655-3335
- Email: headrick@pld.com
- Address: PO Box 506
Sublette, KS 67877 - LEP Program Name: Haskell County Local Environmental Protection Program
Hodgeman County
- Program Administrator: Jenette Schuette
- Phone: 620-357-8736
- Email: hghealthdept@hotmail.com
- Address: PO Box 86
Jetmore, KS 67854 - LEP Program Name: Hodgeman County
Jackson County
- Administrative Staff: Martha Smith
- Phone: 785-985-2778
- Email: nekes@carsoncomm.com
- Sanitarian: Pat Toby
- Address: 201 S. Main St.
PO Box 609
Troy, KS 66087 - Website: www.nekes.org
- LEP Program Name: Northeast Kansas Environmental Services
Jefferson County
- Sanitarian: Casey Keirns
- Phone: 785-403-0025 ext. 5
- Email: ckeirns@jfcountyks.com
- Program Director: Crystal VanHoutan
- Address: 1212 Walnut US Hwy 59
Oskaloosa, KS 66066 - LEP Program Name: Jefferson County Health Department
Jewell County
- Sanitarian: Phillip Murrow
- Phone: 785-545-6904
- Email: ncklepg@gmail.com
- Address: 119 S. Main
Smith Center, KS 66967 - LEP Program Name: North Central Kansas LEPG
Johnson County
- Program Director: Mary Beverly
- Phone: 913-715-6925
- Email: mary.beverly@jocogov.org
- Sanitarian: Zack Millbern
- Phone: 913-715-6934
- Email: zack.millbern@jocogov.org
- Address: 11811 Sunset Dr., Suite 2700
Olathe, KS 66061 - Website: https://www.jocogov.org/dept/health-and-environment/home
- LEP Program Name: Johnson County Department of Health and Environment
Kearny County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Jim Brewer
- Phone: 620-355-6414
- Email: zoning@pld.com
- Address: PO Box 409
Lakin, KS 67860 - Website: http://www.kearnycountykansas.com/building-zoning-permit-info/
- LEP Program Name: Kearny County Building and Zoning
Kingman County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Stan Goetz
- Phone: 620-532-3722
- Email: sgoetz@kingmancoks.org
- Address: 130 N. Spruce St.
Kingman, KS 67068 - LEP Program Name: Kingman County
Kiowa County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Kyle W. Clark
- Phone: 620-842-2591
- Email: kylewclark@yahoo.com
- Address: 1138 E. Main
Anthony, KS 67003 - LEP Program Name: Kiowa County
Labette County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Charles Morse
- Phone: 620-820-3267
- Email: cmorse@labettecounty.com
- Address: 1902 S. Hwy 59, Building C
Parsons, KS 67357 - Website: https://www.labettecounty.com/sanitation
- LEP Program Name: Labette County Health Department
Lane County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Leavenworth County
- Environmental Technician: Kyle Anderson
- Phone: 913-684-1084
- Email: kanderson@leavenworthcounty.gov
- Program Director: Jeff Joseph
- Phone: 913-684-0465
- Email: pz@leavenworthcounty.gov
- Address: 300 Walnut, Suite 212
Leavenworth, KS 66048 - Website: https://www.leavenworthcounty.gov/pz/default.asp
- LEP Program Name: Leavenworth County Planning & Zoning
Lincoln County
- Sanitarian: Shawn Esterl
- Phone: 785-309-5813
- Email: esterls@salinecountyks.gov
- Address: 229 N 9th Street, Salina, KS 67401
- Website: www.salinecountyks.org
- LEP Program Name: Saline County Environmental Services
Linn County
- Code Officer/Sanitarian: Daren Wilson
- Phone: 913-795-2422
- Email: dwilson@linncountyks.com
- Program Director: Shawn West
- Address: 306 Main St.
Mound City, KS 66056 - LEP Program Name: Linn County Planning & Zoning
Logan County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Lyon County
- Sanitarian: Alex Mendoza
- Phone: 620-342-4864, ext. 5
- Email: amendoza@carearc.org
- Address: 420 W. 15th St.
Emporia, KS 66801 - LEP Program Name: Flint Hills Community Health Center
Marion County
- Sanitarian: Sharon Omstead
- Phone: 620-382-2945
- Email: somstead@marioncoks.net
- Address: 203 S. 3rd St.
Marion, KS 66861 - Website: http://www.marioncoks.net/
- LEP Program Name: Marion County Planning & Zoning
Marshall County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Marlene Stamm
- Phone: 785-770-2057
- Email: nckllc@hotmail.com
- Address: 214 C Street
Washington, KS 66968 - LEP Program Name: NCK Environmental LEPP
McPherson County
- Sanitarian: Carissa McCuen
- Phone: 620-241-2288
- Email: cmccuen@mcphersoncountyks.us
- Program Director: John Verssue
- Address: 1115 W. Ave. A
McPherson, KS 67460 - Website: http://www.mcphersoncountyks.us/
- LEP Program Name: McPherson County Planning & Zoning
Meade County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Rachel Clowdis
- Phone: 620-873-8745
- Email: rachel@meadecohealth.com
- Address: PO Box 248
Meade, KS 67864 - LEP Program Name: Meade County Health Department
Miami County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Dave Delp
- Phone: 913-294-4117
- Email: ddelp@miamicountyks.org
- Address: 201 S. Pearl, Suite 201
Paola, KS 66071 - LEP Program Name: Miami County Code Services
Mitchell County
- Sanitarian: Phillip Murrow
- Phone: 785-545-6904
- Email: ncklepg@gmail.com
- Address: 119 S. Main
Smith Center, KS 66967 - LEP Program Name: North Central Kansas LEPG
Montgomery County
- Program Director: Matthew Debo
- Phone: 620-330-1190
- Email: mdebo@mgcountyks.org
- Sanitarian: Tammy Jackson
- Email: tjackson@mgcountyks.org
- Address: PO Box 446
Independence, KS 67301 - Website: http://mgcountyks.org/
- LEP Program Name: Montgomery County Environmental Health Department
Morris County
- Sanitarian/Director: Randy Barten
- Phone: 785-263-5834
- Email: morrissanitarian@tctelco.net
- Address: 501 W. Main
Council Grove, KS 66846 - LEP Program Name: Morris County
Morton County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Dusty Brillhart
- Phone: 620-697-2803
- Email: mtcoem@elkhart.com
- Address: 722 Stevens
Elkhart, KS 67950 - LEP Program Name: Morton County
Nemaha County
- Administrative Staff: Martha Smith
- Phone: 785-985-2778
- Email: nekes@carsoncomm.com
- Sanitarian: Pat Toby
- Address: PO Box 609
Troy, KS 66087 - Website: www.nekes.org
- LEP Program Name: Northeast Kansas Environmental Services
Neosho County
- Sanitarian: David Burnett
- Phone: 620-778-4048
- Email: maintenance@neoshocountyks.org
- Address: 100 S. Main St.
Erie, KS 66733 - LEP Program Name: Neosho County LEPP
Ness County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Robert Mitchell
- Phone: 620-786-1761
- Email: cklepg@gbta.net
- Address: PO Box 669
La Crosse, KS 67548 - LEP Program Name: Central Kansas LEPG
Norton County
- Sanitarian: Robert Wyatt
- Phone: 785-877-5710
- Email: robert@nortoncountyks.gov
- Address: 105 S. Kansas Ave.
Norton, KS 67654 - LEP Program Name: Norton County
Osage County
- Program Director: Jeff Crisp
- Email: landdev@osageco.org
- Address: 717 S. Topeka
Lyndon, KS 66451 - LEP Program Name: Osage County LEPP
Osborne County
- Sanitarian: Phillip Murrow
- Phone: 785-545-6904
- Email: ncklepg@gmail.com
- Address: 119 S. Main
Smith Center, KS 66967 - LEP Program Name: North Central Kansas LEPG
Ottawa County
- Sanitarian: Seth Odette
- Phone: 785-309-5813
- Email: odettes@salinecountyks.gov
- Address: 229 N 9th Street, Salina, KS 67401
- Website: http://www.saline.org
- LEP Program Name: Saline County Environmental Services
Pawnee County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Robert Mitchell
- Phone: 620-786-1761
- Email: cklepg@gbta.net
- Address: PO Box 669
La Crosse, KS 67548 - LEP Program Name: Central Kansas LEPG
Phillips County
- Sanitarian: Phillip Murrow
- Phone: 785-545-6904
- Email: ncklepg@gmail.com
- Address: 119 S. Main
Smith Center, KS 66967 - LEP Program Name: North Central Kansas LEPG
Pottawatomie County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Scott Schwinn, R.S.
- Phone: 785-457-3397
- Email: sschwinn@pottcounty.org
- Address: 612 E. Campbell St.
Westmoreland, KS 66549 - Website: https://www.pottcounty.org/
- LEP Program Name: Pottawatomie County
Pratt County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Jon Roach
- Phone: 620-672-4127
- Email: prattweed@prattcounty.org
- Address: 449 SE. 20th St.
Pratt, KS 67124 - LEP Program Name: Pratt County Environmental Services
Rawlins County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Reno County
- Program Director: Darcy Basye
- Phone: 620-259-2105
- Email: eh@renogov.org
- Sanitarians: Jared Simon
- Email: jared.simon@renogov.org
- Address: 600 Scott Blvd South, Hutchinson, KS 67505
- Website: http://www.renogov.org
- LEP Program Name: Reno County Health Department
Republic County
- Sanitarian: Phillip Murrow
- Phone: 785-545-6904
- Email: ncklepg@gmail.com
- Address: 119 S. Main
Smith Center, KS 66967 - LEP Program Name: North Central Kansas LEPG
Rice County
- Planning and Zoning Director/Sanitarian: David Larsen
- Phone: 620-257-2231
- Email: dlarsen@ricecocthse.com
- Address: 718 W. 5th St.
Lyons, KS 67554 - LEP Program Name: Rice County Planning and Zoning
Riley County
- Sanitarian: Ben Hamill
- Phone: 785-537-6332
- Email: bhamill@rileycountyks.gov
- Address: 110 Courthouse Plaza
Manhattan, KS 66502 - LEP Program Name: Riley County Planning & Development/Environmental Health
Rooks County
- Sanitarian: Phillip Murrow
- Phone: 785-545-6904
- Email: ncklepg@gmail.com
- Address: 119 S. Main
Smith Center, KS 66967 - LEP Program Name: North Central Kansas LEPG
Rush County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Robert Mitchell
- Phone: 620-786-1761
- Email: cklepg@gbta.net
- Address: PO Box 669
La Crosse, KS 67548 - LEP Program Name: Central Kansas LEPG
Russell County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Robert Mitchell
- Phone: 620-786-1761
- Email: cklepg@gbta.net
- Address: PO Box 669
La Crosse, KS 67548 - LEP Program Name: Central Kansas LEPG
Saline County
- Sanitarian: Seth Odette
- Email: odettes@salinecountyks.gov
- Address: 222 N 9th Street, Salina, KS 67401
- Website: http://www.saline.org
- LEP Program Name: Saline County Environmental Services
Scott County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Sedwick County
- Sanitarian: Tim Wagner
- Phone: 316-660-1840
- Email: tim.wagner@sedgwick.gov
- Address: 271 W. 3rd St. N., Suite 101
Wichita, KS 67202 - Website: https://www.sedgwickcounty.org/mabcd/
- LEP Program Name: Metropolitan Area Building & Construction Department
Seward County
- Interim Sanitarian: Kent Hamlin
- Phone: 620-626-3395
- Email: khamlin@sewardcountyks.org
- Address: 515 N. Washington, Suite 207
Liberal, KS 67901 - LEP Program Name: Seward County Planning & Zoning
Shawnee County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Andy Graham
- Phone: 785-251-5756
- Email: andy.graham@snco.us
- Address: 1515 NW. Saline, Suite 221
Topeka, KS 66618 - Website: http://www.snco.us/hd/environmental_health.asp
- LEP Program Name: Shawnee County Health Department
Sheridan County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Sherman County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Smith County
- Sanitarian: Phillip Murrow
- Phone: 785-545-6904
- Email: ncklepg@gmail.com
- Address: 119 S. Main
Smith Center, KS 66967 - LEP Program Name: North Central Kansas LEPG
Stafford County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Ryan Witt
- Phone: 620-549-3594
- Email: rwitt@staffordcounty.org
- Address: 400 S. Exchange
PO Box 95
St. John, KS 67576 - LEP Program Name: Stafford County Environmental Services
Stanton County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Steve Phillips
- Phone: 620-384-4222
- Email: hmcoem@pld.com
- Address: 1301 N. Main St.
PO Box 1136
Syracuse, KS 67878 - LEP Program Name: Stanton County
Stevens County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Tony Martin
- Phone: 620-544-9342
- Email: rbridge1@pld.com
- Address: 200 E. 6th St.
Hugoton, KS 67951 - LEP Program Name: Stevens County
Sumner County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Jon Bristor
- Phone: 620-326-2207
- Email: jbristor@co.sumner.ks.us
- Assistant Director: Barry Fleming
- Email: bfleming@co.sumner.ks.us
- Address: 110 E. 10th St.
Wellington, KS 67152 - Website: https://ks-sumner.publicaccessnow.com/default.aspx
- LEP Program Name: Stevens County
Thomas County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Trego County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Wabaunsee County
- Sanitarian: Noel Sylvester
- Phone: 785-765-3432
- Email: nsylvester@wbcounty.org
- Program Director: Ray Finley
- Phone: 785-765-2425
- Email: rfinley@wbcounty.org
- Address: 215 Kansas Ave.
Alma, KS 66401 - LEP Program Name: Wabaunsee County
Wallace County
- Program Director: Brice Cronn
- Phone: 785-462-8636; cell: 785-443-2503
- Email: nwlepg@st-tel.net
- Address: 350 S. Range, Suite 4
Colby, KS 67701 - Website: www.nwlepg.org
- LEP Program Name: Northwest Local Environmental Protection Group
Washington County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Marlene Stamm
- Phone: 785-770-2057
- Email: nckllc@hotmail.com
- Address: 214 C Street
Washington, KS 66968 - LEP Program Name: NCK Environmental LEPP
Wichita County
- Sanitarian: Adam Marcotte
- Phone: 620-874-2447
- Email: wiccode@gmail.com
- LEP Program Name: Wichita County
Wilson County
- Program Manager: Amy Lell
- Phone: 620-378-4455
- Email: alell@wilsoncountykansas.org
- Address: 421 N. 7th St
Fredonia, KS 66736 - LEP Program Name: Wilson County Health Department
Woodson County
- Program Director/Sanitarian: Jarrod McVey
- Phone: 620-625-8630
- Email: nxwd@woodsoncounty.net
- Address: 105 W. Rutledge
Yates Center, KS 66783 - LEP Program Name: Woodson County LEPP
Wyandotte County
- Administrative Support Specialist: Amanda S. Holton
- Phone: 913-573-8819
- Email: aholton@wycokck.org
- Address: 619 Ann Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66101 - LEP Program Name: Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS